
  • Project Duration

    January 2022 – March 2022

  • Roles

    UX Research — UX Design — Visual Design

  • Responsibilities

    Conducting research, storyboarding, paper + digital wireframing, low + high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

the product


Oeuvre is an art history platform that transcends the confines of a single art institution. The platform offers users the opportunity to enrich their knowledge of art, artists, as well as key art movements and styles within or without the context of a specific art institution. Oeuvre allows users to freely explore art, artists, movements, and styles of particular interest in their own time.



Art enthusiasts and museum visitors do not have adequate access to relevant context and information on the artworks and objects they are browsing.

The Goal


Design an app that allows users to seamlessly access context and information regarding artwork, artists, styles, and movements both internally and externally to the museum environment.


understanding the user

I formulated questionnaires to understand the users I am designing for. A primary user group identified through research was university students. Research revealed that users wanted more information to provide context for the artwork or object on display. Other user problems included the desire to learn more about artists’ backgrounds and the historical contexts in which they worked.

 Pain Points

  • Lack of artist information — museum cards do not provide the kind of information to promote a connection to the work or artist

  • Social inaccessibility — prestige associated with art galleries makes visitors uncomfortable in the environment

  • Crowds — viewing areas are often crowded, not allowing visitors close to information placards and/or the object itself

problem statement


Adaline is a university student who needs an app that provides artist and related historical, social, and cultural information because she would like context to associate with the artworks she views.


design process


Preliminary Wireframes

The preliminary wireframes outline the pages within the app and explore the potential ideal navigation pattern for users.

usability study findings

  • Users need the back button to be more clear.

  • Users need the home button to be clearer.

  • Users need stronger cues for texts clickable texts.


final design


 Exhibition Flow

 Movement/Style Flow

 artist Flow



Accessibility considerations

  • Access for visually impaired users through audio + screen readers functions.

  • High contrast between font and background colours.

  • Widespread use of icons and texts for navigation.




The app allows the user access to widespread artwork, artists, movement, and style information to provide context while experiencing art. It also allows users to enrich their experience while visiting an art institution by providing streamlined access to potential exhibition objects on display. Oeuvre ultimately transcends a single art institution by providing users with the ability to find context and historical and artist biographical content to create connections to objects they observe.


Urban Reciprocity + Regeneration

